ISTE is back with another event, SPIDER. It is a front end web developing competition for all the learners out there who have dreamt of building a website of their own. This event SPIDER is designed to boost your learning of ‘basic web development' through a more practical approach, something which our current education system lacks.
Participate for a better learning experience. Participate to showcase your skills.
Team Formation
Idea Submission
Note:Do not buy expensive domain and hosting for this event.
Final Submission
Final results will be posted within a week after the completion of event on our socialmedia handles. Follow our pages to stay updated.
You can find links to our social media handles below.Bussiness Landing Site
Create a landing site for small bussiness like restraunts, medicine stores, furniture shop. Show the products or services offered by these bussiness to attract more and more customers.
An Example: A landing site for medicine store which showcase dicounts given by them. It can also include a page which generates bill if some medicines are collected.
An Informative Site
With the given problem statement or any topic of your choice create a informative website which analyses the problem, disuss the problem, reach on a conclusion and provide a solution.
Large volume of data is available on measures adopted by different countries / Indian states in controlling corona virus. ormulate the reason behind one's success or failure in controlling the pandemic of corona virus.
Recent days has witnessed a great revolution in the education system with changes in the pattern and hierarchy of the tutelage.Discuss the entire changes in the face of education and compare it with the traditional methods bringing out the pros and cons of both in contributing to the future of country.
The deadly havoc that was birthed in China caged the whole world and since then a lot of countries are trying to segregate China. In that reference, India being the second most populous country, how can it use its population as a resource?.
As the world has drastically changed from one to one interactions to virtual meetings. Use of technology has became a pinnacle point during this tough time. Reasearch and list down some of the great evolutions of technology that uncouples the past from present..
The freedom of press and media in democratic India has long been debateful. The facets of this freedom are as dynamic as it could be in a nation like India. From broadcasting sensitive information about defenses to telecasting every detail of necessary/unnecessary information, how do you think the freedom of Press in India be exercised?
A portfolio Site
Create a portfolio site where you can showcase your work in your respective fields of interest. Add what skills are known to you. The ultimate purpose of your portfolio website is to provide a way for you to land more potential clients by impressing them with your company's/your work .
Anything Under The Sun
Showcase your skill and impress the judges with your innovative ideas and coding skills.
Step 1: Team Formation
Step 2: Registration / Idea Submission
Step 3: Upgrade
Step 1: Team Formation
Step 2: Idea Submission
Note:Do not buy expensive domain and hosting for this event.
Step 3: Final Submission
Final results will be posted within a week after the completion of event on our socialmedia handles. Follow our pages to stay updated.
You can find links to our social media handles below.Before the start of the event you get a webinar with top professionals in this field.
About the Webinar
Machine Learning is surely a game changer in various domains, as it has the potential to unearth many patterns and insights. And to give a kick-start to your Machine learning, ISTE BITS in collaboration with AWS brings to you a free Webinar with Indian Developer Advocate at AWS, "Mr. Suman Debnath".
About the Speaker
Mr. Suman Debnath is a Principal Developer Advocate at 'Amazon Web Services', based in India who is passionate for Big Data, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. With hands-on experience through organisations like IBM Software Lab, EMC, NetApp and Toshiba, he has the expertise in his domain.
We saved the best for the last. Winners will be rewarded with amazing cool prizes worth 50K. Not only that we have something for everyone in our bag. Also, all students will get 'Participation Certificate' and winners will get 'Certificate of Achievement'.
Do not miss the thrilling opportunity to learn and prove yourself.